Unos VMware Workstation licence kroz terminal

Unos nove VMware Workstation licence kroz GUI (Help>Enter Licence Key…) u verziji 9.0.x na openSuSE12.2 na mojem ra?unalu iz nekog razloga jednostavno nije mogu?e napraviti. Obzirom da nije upisana validna licenca nemogu se upaliti virtualne mašine. Dolje se nalazi komanda kojom se kroz terminal upisuje licenca u Workstation.

/usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx-debug –new-sn XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

Umjesto XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX stavite svoju licencu.


Problem sa pokretanjem virtualnih mašina nakon nadogradnje VMware Workstation 9 na Linux-u

Problem sa pokretanjem virtualnih mašina nakon nadogradnje VMware Workstation 9

Nakon nadogradnje VMware Workstation sa verzije 8 na verziju 9 na openSuSE 12.2 64bit dolazi do greške

Version mismatch with vmci driver: expecting 11.0, got 10.0.
Module DevicePowerOn power on failed.
Failed to start the virtual machine.

Privremeno rješenje dok ne do?e fix je u svim vmx datotekama staviti “vmci0.present” na FALSE.

Znaci pronademo liniju:

vmci0.present = “TRUE”

i postavimo je da izgleda:

vmci0.present = “FALSE”

What Is a Drobo?

Meet your new storage solution, the safe and expandable Drobo. It’s so simple that anyone can use it, yet powerful enough for business. Drobo connects to your computer or network and provides redundant data protection without the complexities of traditional RAID. Dynamically expand storage any time.

Drobo currently holds up to 36TB, depending on the model, using any combination of 3.5″ disk drives or 2.5″ drives for the Drobo Mini. The Drobo family offers Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, Ethernet, iSCSI, and other connectivity options, so you get the data protection you need along with the speed and interface you want.

Compatibility: Drobo connects to Windows, Mac, Linux, VMware, and Citrix systems and supports NTFS, HFS+, ext3, VMFS, and FAT32 file system formats.